Fitness Radio

Soundtrack Your Brand

Soundtrack is provided by Soundtrack Your Brand. Swedebeat is a Soundtrack Your Brand premium reseller partner.
© Soundtrack Your Brand®

Please contact us for prices and more information.

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Swedebeat Fitness Radio Remote

Swedebeat Fitness Radio

We are the proud sound creator behind many of the best known brands in the wellness and fitness market.
We are Scandinavia's most hired fitness radio music company, with dedicated music in over 1.000 fitness clubs.

Together with our customers we work out a sound that suits the brand and its target audiences.

As a premium reseller of Soundtrack Your Brand we will be serving your customers a unique experience every hour, every day, year round.

Meet the Soundtrack Player

This is very a practical solution since it's a streaming box from our partner Soundtrack Your brand fully dedicated to our music solution. Totally hands off solution with a simple plug and play installation and bright multicolour LED's in the fronts for easy status readout troubleshooting.

Swedebeat Remote

Our web application that works on all platforms as PC/Mac iPhone/Android is the perfect tool to tweak the right feeling in any fitness studio. Easy scheduling of music channel and volume levels during every hour of the day through the Soundtrack API.

No customer is too big or too small

Fitnessclubs with hundreds of centers, a private fitness center or a franchisee all enjoy of the same first class service.

Swedebeat Fitness Radio

Background music for fitness facilities

With over 20.000.000 songs streamed every month
we really say it with music!

Selecting music and song rotation

Using the remote app